Friday, October 18, 2013


Most of the time I wear sneakers. That way, I'm ready to walk whenever the opportunity presents itself. This morning I drove one of the sisters to a doctor's appointment, situated in a quiet neighborhood which includes a multi-faceted care center. I decided to walk for a while and enjoy the relatively warm day. I saw a group of seniors enjoying a game of Bocce outside. A petite, frail-looking woman gently threw the ball and knocked one of the other balls. It felt so good to see people well enough to enjoy a game outside. As I rounded the corner, an aide was walking with a gentleman who was using a walker.

This afternoon I discovered a basket of washed tablecloths and napkins we had used at our last SpiritualiTEA. One of our sisters had been volunteering at the House of Prayer each Wednesday before she had a stroke. I'll bet she'd give anything to be able to iron again.

These experiences are just some more reminders of how blessed I am with good health and a strong body - strong enough to face 100 miles of the Camino!

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