Sunday, October 20, 2013

Books That Stretch the Imagination

I've been reading many stories of people who have done the Camino de Santiago and have been following a couple of our Sisters of Mercy from the West Mid-West Community who are presently recounting their experiences. Of course, I'm reading with heightened interest as any of them writes about the last 100 miles, since that's what we'll be doing come May!

The last book I read was Camino de Santiago in 20 Days: My Way on the Way of St. James by Randall St. Germain. Two things in particular stood out for me:

1) Many times throughout the book he tells of his encounter with someone and then says, "I never saw him/her again." I've been reflecting on that. How many people do I encounter each day and never see again?! I realize I don't pay much attention to them. I'm concerned only with the folks I know. All of these people... all of these unique, amazing stories-in-the-flesh walking around!

2) He did the entire 500 or so miles in 20 days! Sometimes he walked more than a Marathon in a day! Every day for 20 days! Blisters, inclement weather, sleepless nights -- nothing stopped him! I have absolutely no desire to accomplish such a feat; it doesn't appeal to me in the least. But what reading this did for me was to stretch my mind from the limited "impossible" to the unlimited "possible." All of a sudden, as I imagined our days on The Way, 10 - 12 miles seemed like a very "possible" accomplishment.

What are some of the books you've read that have broadened your perspective?

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