Wednesday, July 24, 2013


This afternoon, Sr. Theresina and I visited my brother Robert who is in the hospital recovering from hip surgery. On the way home we ran into stand-still traffic on Route 22, so I pressed the "Detour" sign on my GPS and it rerouted us to Route 28 through Westfield.

Last night I was disappointed not to hear the jazz musicians who usually play on various corners throughout Westfield each Tuesday evening in the summer. I thought perhaps the performances had been cancelled due to the threat of rain. However, that didn't prevent me from enjoying a Gelato at The Chocolate Bar!

This evening, as we made our way down Route 28 I heard.... MUSIC! JAZZ! What a surprise! I rolled down the window and asked a passer-by what was going on. He said there had been a Marathon. That explained the blocked-off streets - and perhaps the music. I know I take after my mother who always loved to be where the action was! I thrilled to see so many people enjoying a stroll down the streets and eating outside some of the restaurants. I am so grateful for that detour!

I wonder how many surprising detours I'll experience on the Camino. I hope my spirit of adventure and love of serendipity will help me keep a positive attitude when the detours, in whatever shape they reveal themselves, take me down different pathways.

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