Sunday, July 21, 2013


Early this morning - 5:49 to 6:46 a.m., to be exact - I did a 4-mile power-walk. What did I notice this time? The park took on a ghostlike appearance with the mist settled on much of the grassy areas. Flying insects accompanied me 90% of the time, but they were no match for my pumping arms and swatting hands! I was met at the end with many kisses - from a Miniature Greyhound. Precious! But the thing I noticed the most was the terrain. To the casual walker, the park is extremely flat. But to the power-walker, the jogger, the man with crutches... the slightest incline is felt dramatically. I actually found myself jogging a bit on a downhill. The uphill, on the other hand, took so much more energy and determination to keep up to speed. Just as I was so attuned to the topography, I'd like to be that attuned to God's presence and actions in my life.

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