Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Imagination and Reality

The Imagination:
All year long I had been reading other people's experiences of the Camino, gathering hints and building expectations. I was "sure" I would have nothing stolen because I'd be super-vigilant. I had prepared well in order not to get blisters. I worried just a bit about the cleanliness of the albergues and the possibility of bed bugs. I thought for sure we'd have a lot of rain because of the season and the fact that Galicia is so green. I expected to "Walk in a Relaxed Manner" like Sr. Janice Rupp. Not one thing I brought would go unused and I'd bring exactly what I needed. I'd definitely carry my backpack all the way. And, oh yes, I'd have a mystical experience of God, being so close to nature all week!

The Reality:

Stolen cell phone
Painful blisters
Sparkling clean albergues
No bed bugs
No rain to speak of
Hobbled painfully
Pillow unused
Could have used a pair of regular slacks
Had backpack transported all but twice
No felt mystical experience of God
But yes, close to nature all week!

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