Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Two Weeks and Counting!

In exactly two weeks, my sister CJ, niece Jean and I will be heading to Spain to begin our pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago. We'll arrive in Madrid on the 30th and then head to Sarria on May 2nd to begin our walk. Whew! This feels like just another example of how "time flies" in my life. And before we know it, we'll be back home. But what difference will this pilgrimage make in our lives?

There's a song I heard recently by Carmel Boyle called My Soul's Desire. After asking many questions of the listener:
      What is your desire?
      What is your longing?...
      And what's your soul's desire?
the refrain begins with:
      My soul's desire
      Is to see the face of God.
      My soul's desire
      Is to walk the sacred path.

To see the face of God and to walk the sacred path. That is my soul's desire.

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