Monday, August 5, 2013


Last week I was on retreat in Maine. When Sr. Theresina was a young sister (many, many years ago!) she was telling a mother of one of her students what she was doing over the summer. Of course, one of the things she mentioned was that she was going to make a week-long retreat. The woman commented that the only time she had ever experienced anything that resembled a retreat was when she was in the hospital having her babies. Since then, Theresina has told that story many times, noting how blessed we Sisters are to "have to" make a yearly retreat.

I was thinking of that story as I enjoyed a marvelous week of hearing about the Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, Venerable Catherine McAuley, by a Sister who has written extensively on Catherine - Sr. Mary Catherine Sullivan. I had a chance to walk about four miles every day as well, touring the St. Joseph's College campus. I am feeling especially blessed, and want to keep this sense of gratitude in my heart as I return to a very busy schedule!

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