Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Blessing in the Blister

I was hoping this would be a post I'd never have to make... not in these preparation days, and especially not on the Camino. I was going to be extra careful. In all the books I've read so far about the Camino, only Hape Kerkeling boasted of not getting any blisters. I was going to be like him! It took only two days of inattention to my feet - particularly two potentially troublesome toes - to sprout two painful blisters.
First thing: check the internet to find cures and choose one that might work for me.
But the deeper question: what can I learn from getting blisters?
1) Blisters on the Camino will probably be a "given", since I'll be walking far more in one day than the three miles I walked to get these.
2) Now is the time to learn how to treat them, so getting blisters now - months before I leave - is  actually a blessing.
There it is: the blessing in the blister!

1 comment:

  1. "Consider it pure joy, my sisters, whenever you face blisters of many kinds, because you know that the blistering of your faith develops perseverance..."
