Thursday, February 20, 2014

Active / Passive Prep

When I began this blog, I did so at the request of a couple of people who wanted to know about my preparations for doing The Camino de Santiago in May. When I look back at the posts, I see many ways I've prepared, most notably in reading about other people's experiences and exercising. Since my fall on black ice over a month ago, I haven't done any physical exercise. On the contrary, I carefully watch every step I take outside, and have slowed down considerably when walking inside. I'm beginning to fear I've lost ground in my physical preparations -- and I had been doing so well!

So, I haven't blogged because I haven't been preparing... or have I?! Perhaps this slowing down is actually playing a role in my prep for the Camino. I haven't actively prepared, but perhaps I'm being prepared! We've been so busy at the House of Prayer, with many deadlines to meet and great decisions to make. And in the midst of it all, I've had days in which I couldn't leave St. Joseph's, where I reside, to do my work. At the same time, deadlines are amazingly being met! I've unashamedly asked for an arm from complete strangers when I've ventured out, concerned about my footing on possibly slippery ground. I've accepted rides to visit my brother in Oradell from generous friends. Necessity breaks down my independent, self-reliant spirit. How all of this will play out in the actual pilgrimage I have yet to learn, but at least I realize the passive preparations that are being done to me!